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The Mediterranean Mermaid..

Writer's picture:  Ahmed Elkhouly Ahmed Elkhouly

It took me some time to decide how I would approach today’s blog. What I should talk about or if I should even write anything rather than let the pictures do all the talking. So let’s start first by saying that this city has existed since time itself, and has been part of every great empire, if not its capital. It has has always been a beacon of culture and knowledge, and home for scholars from all across the globe. Its located in a strategic location on the Mediterranean, with beautiful weather and scenery that heals a wounded soul.

It had plenty of names throughout history, was ruled by leaders from multiple cultures and withstood against everything. It has long been considered the Northern gateway to Africa and the jewel of the Mediterranean, Alexandria, a city blessed by the sea and nourished by it. A place of memories and experiences, a place that every Egyptian has visited at least once in their life time. A place of magical sunsets where the sun dives into the sea.

Alexandria is the most European city of Egypt, the streets and building all resemble the beauty and architecture of foreign origin. A mixture of trees and greenery decorating the villas and buildings on every street. The city stretches across the shore line from East to West with relatively taller buildings overlooking the sea. Sitting down and starring at the sea is a local hobby that includes everyone.

Alexandria is one of the luckier cities that have been well maintained and cared for almost always. Its a clean city, well organized, and a general attraction. With warm summers and cold rainy winters, it’s a love story that spans all year long. A city thats famous for its fish and fishermen; a legacy that has been handed down from one generation to the next.

One of the main things that made my visit to Alexandria more efficient was the fact that I had a lot of help from friends living in Alexandria. Most cities I’ve visited so far I had never been to before, so I had to explore everything and even ask for help from strangers. I was lucky in some cities where I made friends and got a lot of assistance. Having original friends on the other hand made things a lot smoother and faster.

I was able to visit multiple place, meet with certain people I wouldn’t have been able to, if not for my friends. Even the fact that I somehow know the place, saves some time I could be spending doing something important. Giving me even more time to wander around and enjoy my time in the city. This lead to ending up at places where people need help the most, witnessing selfless individuals doing their best to perform acts of kindness towards them.

Since I’ve decided to split my experience here into two parts the first being this one discussing the shear beauty of the place, I will go more in depth in the second part explaining how the people of Alexandria have committed themselves to helping the less privileged individuals in their community.


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